1/4/2013 0 Comments 2013 Registration!2013 Sandlot Registration is up and running:-)
Hope you can join us for another fantastic year! Coach Hawley
6/15/2012 0 Comments FRIDAY!!!Thanks everyone for coming to camp, and making the first year of Dublin Sandlot a huge success!! Check back in January for information on Sandlot 2013!
Final scores... 10,545 Gray Pandas 9,655 Red Brutus Wolves 9,610 Blue Sharks 8,910 White Wildcats 6/14/2012 0 Comments Thursday Camp!!!!Great job everyone showing good Sportsmanship in all of the different contests! My favorite was the Free-throw Tournament:-)
Your scores.... 6845 Gray Pandas 5510 Blue Sharks 4455 Red Brutus Wolves 3710 White Wildcats Don't forget your lunch and swim gear tomorrow! Last day! Let's make it the best one yet!! 6/13/2012 0 Comments Wednesday Camp!!Thanks everyone for your perseverance today! It was a great day!!
Point totals...some big changes in the lineup!! 1195 Grey Pandas 880 Red Brutus Wolves 835 White Wildcats 785 Blue Sharks Don't forget lots of water and sunscreen tomorrow!! Practice tonight for the Talent Show!!! Who can name the entire camp tomorrow for 500 points!! 6/12/2012 0 Comments Tuesday Camp!I hope everyone had a good time today! Great job at displaying Integrity!
Scores are as follows... 505 Red Brutus Wolves 470 Grey Pandas 460 Blue Sharks 435 White Wildcats Tomorrow is pool day! Don't forget your bathing suit, towel, and sunscreen! There are 4 more spots available for Friday am AquaGym. If you are interested, have your parents see me at check-in tomorrow!! Don't forget to wear your team colors!! Enjoy the pics! 6/11/2012 0 Comments Camp TodayGreat job today everyone at camp!! Thanks for your flexibility as we worked around the rain!!
TEAM SCORES ARE AS FOLLOWS... 155 Grey Pandas 140 Red Brutus Wolves 115 Blue Sharks 105 White Wildcats Tomorrow we will meet on the East side of the building! Parents do not need to check their kids in, just send them over to us! We are not going to the pool tomorrow! Enjoy the pics! 6/5/2012 0 Comments Camp next week!Camp starts Monday!!!
Subscribe to this blog for daily updates!! Don't forget to bring your swimsuit, water, and lunch! |