Awesome day today at Sandlot! Many great examples of "Service"
Like our Facebook page for point totals!! 6/12/2013 2 Comments Day 3!!Yeah!! The pool was a blast today! I hope everyone had a good time. My favorite part was the big slide and watching Coach Baker do flips on the diving board:-)
Point totals... 990 Black Booboo Chews 820 White&Purple Cobras 770 Blue Bulldogs 605 Pink Fire-Breathing Pandas Tomorrow - 50 points for winning, 75 points for character, 100 points for directions. AquaGym people - bring your swim gear!! All AquaGym spots are full at this point. Everybody bring a pillow! Overnight assignment - Tomorrow's Trait of the Day is "Service." Do 1 chore at home that you do not normally do...have mom or dad sign a note! See you tomorrow - Can't wait!!!! Coach Hawley Great day at Sandlot today! What was your favorite activity? I thought the fencing was cool!
Tomorrow WE ARE GOING TO THE POOL! Bring your $, bathing suit, sunscreen, water, and lunch! The Kona Snow Cone truck will also be here for lunch! Cones range from $2-6. Point totals... 625 Black BoBoo Chews 550 Blue Bulldogs 400 White&Purple Cobras 325 Pink Fire-Breathing Pandas Anyone interested in signing up for a first or second AquaGym session please bring a check for $35 tomorrow morning. Overnight assignment - write down your definition of Determination and name a time when your parents or siblings showed determination! 20 points! 6/10/2013 0 Comments Day 1!!Great day today everyone!!
Like and visit our Facebook page to see the point totals and overnight assignment! 6/8/2013 0 Comments Sold Out!All weeks of Sandlot 2013 are officially sold out! We will have a few cancellations so please
6/8/2013 0 Comments 2 Days!Looks like it might rain a little Monday. No worries...we'll have a blast indoors if it does! Don't forget to bring your bathing suit and lunch!! See you Monday morning!
5/10/2013 0 Comments CAMP IS 1 MONTH FROM TODAY!We are looking forward to another great summer of camp!
We just scheduled the Kona Ice Truck to visit us:-) Only 3 spots left in the first week and 17 spots left in the third week! |